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Raleigh China Youth Campis a similar program based on the experience and good reputation of the Raleigh expeditions. With fully supports from our Raleigh China staff and volunteer managers/experts above 25 years old,young people are challenged in a three-week program combining community, environmental protection and outdoor adventures elements.

在7期青年营中,队员们完成多所当地小学的校园地面硬化及校园绿化建设,重新连接自来水管,修补失修的桌椅门框并绘制了黑板报,用自己的努力为当地孩子创造了更好的校园环境,实现了“服务中成长(Serve and Achieve)”的初衷。

In the past seven Youth Camps, team members have completed ground hardening and campus landing for several local primary schools.reconstructed the drinking water pipeline for the villagers, fixed the chairs and the door cases in the classrooms in one of the most remote areas in China. By creating a better environment for the local people, they fulfilled the intention to "Serve and Achieve".



雷励中国 Raleigh China

上海杨浦区雷励青年公益发展中心(统一社会信用代码:52310110558766064L,简称雷励中国)是致力于青少年及可持续发展的公益机构。自2008年成立以来,已经有数千名志愿者积极参与雷励项目,在中国培育了60,000棵沙棘树树苗、捐建了2所希望小学并帮助修缮了8所希望小学的附属设施,同时建设了多个水窖、家庭环保净水系统和候鸟看护棚等设施,在造福当地社区的同时也被誉为“一生必须要有一次的宝贵经历“。作为全球的第21个雷励组织,我们秉持“探索、勇气、正直、魄力”的理念,通过“服务中成长(Serve and Achieve)”的方式,激励青少年跳出自己的舒适圈,服务社区与保护环境,共塑一个可持续发展的未来。